Through a process-led approach, my practice explores poetic experience through modes of reading, writing, movement, and crafting. Challenging ideas around the distinction between mind and body, I engage in ritual as a way to sensitise myself and others to subtler forms of being present with each other, and with our environment. I investigate different forms of embodying liminality stemming from my experience as a multilingual queer migrant negotiating territories, modes of address, and value systems.

My methods include in-depth tarot and astrology practice, somatics, dance, psychology and ongoing studies on mysticism, mythology and symbolism. Constructing dialogues and social spaces for reflection is an integral part of my practice often expressed through collaborative projects and discursive spaces.

I’m currently reflecting on how to express the scope of my work in a holistic manner. I believe that the personal is political, and for me personal work is also spiritual and therefore creative. My ritual and healing work, my writing, teaching and reading through tarot and astrology, are at the root of my creative work.

I occasionally teach expanded writing workshops at not/nowhere and other places.

You can engage with my tarot practice through
@sacredsongtarot on Instagram
and on the Sacred Song Tarot website.